Where does our hay come from? 
Copyright © Dunn Ranch - All rights reserved

Our ranch in Central Texas is the hub of our business.  We run a cow-calf operation of Brangus and Brangus Baldies and have several ranch horses.  Depending upon the weather, we generally cut and bale about 400 acres of improved grasses.  Since alfalfa is a big part of what we sell, but is not grown in our area, we have recently expanded our operation to Lobo, in West Texas and are adding 250 acres of irrigated alfalfa at that ranch.


We lease other hay ground, the number of acres varying year to year, increasing our production.  We also buy hay standing throughout the growing season, plus bale on the halves, usually purchasing the landowner’s share.  We have moved our equipment to cut and bale as far as Arkansas and Oklahoma, in addition to numerous points in Texas.


From here our scope widens to include large contracts with multiple hay producers from other counties in Texas as well as other states.  We are continuing to expand our business by developing new hay producers across the country.